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Which Probiotic Is Best for Bloating and Gas? 4 Dr. Recommendations

The Cabinet — 08.08.24

Many of us deal with bloating and gas, often searching for relief in ways that align with our desire for natural, effective solutions. Enter probiotics — a potential game changer in the realm of digestive wellness. 

At Hilma, we're all about combining the wisdom of nature with the rigors of science to help you feel better naturally. Let’s explore how the right probiotic can be your gut's new best friend, helping to soothe and support your digestive system.

Why Does Bloating and Gas Happen?

Bloating and gas aren’t just random discomforts. They’re signs that your digestive system is in overdrive

Often, what you eat drives bloating and gas. Foods heavy in carbohydrates, dairy products, and certain vegetables can be tough for your stomach to break down, leading to that bloated feeling. But it’s not just about food. How you eat — like consuming your meal too fast or snacking late at night — also plays a role.

On top of lifestyle choices, there's the biological angle. An imbalance in your gut bacteria can lead to excessive gas production. This is where probiotics come in. 

They introduce good bacteria into your gut microbiome, helping to restore balance and support regularity in your gastrointestinal tract. By getting to the root of the issue, probiotics can help ease the symptoms and help your digestive system function better overall, making them a cornerstone of digestive health.

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, can support your overall digestive health. These beneficial bacteria primarily reside in your digestive tract and play a pivotal role in maintaining gut health by aiding digestion, supporting the immune system, and even influencing your overall wellness.

Probiotics can help keep the peace and ensure that harmful microbes can't take over. They do this not only by competing for nutrients but also by producing substances that create a hostile environment for bad bacteria.

Expert Recommendations on the Best Probiotics for Bloating and Gas

You might be wondering which specific probiotics are best suited to combat bloating and gas. Here are the top probiotics experts recommend to help keep your digestive system running smoothly and comfortably.

1. Lactobacillus Acidophilus

When it comes to easing digestive discomfort, Lactobacillus acidophilus is often a go-to recommendation. This probiotic is renowned for its ability to break down lactose and enhance the overall digestion of dairy products, which can be culprits in causing bloating. Even if you are not lactose intolerant, Lactobacillus can manage bloating.

Regular intake of Lactobacillus acidophilus can help maintain a balanced gut microbiome, reducing the likelihood of bloating and supporting healthy bowel movements.

2. Bifidobacterium Lactis

Another champion in the fight against bloating is Bifidobacterium lactis. Known for its robustness in surviving the journey through the stomach’s acidic environment, this strain reaches the large intestine, where it can exert its beneficial effects. 

It’s particularly effective in supporting bowel regularity and reducing the incidence of constipation and flatulence. This strain works well in synergy with prebiotics, fostering a gut environment that enhances digestive health.

3. Lactobacillus Plantarum

Highly regarded for its versatility, Lactobacillus plantarum is exceptional at balancing gut bacteria and enhancing the digestive system's function. It helps in managing intestinal permeability, often referred to as "leaky gut," and soothes the bloating associated with it. 

Its ability to regulate intestinal irritation and reinforce the gut barrier makes it a powerful friend in maintaining gut health and preventing the discomfort of gas and bloating. Due to its versatility, it helps relieve overall gut symptoms, including stomach pain, gas, and bloating. This strain is helpful in IBS since it touches a lot of symptoms.

4. Bifidobacterium Bifidum

Bifidobacterium bifidum is essential for its role in digesting complex carbohydrates, fibers, and other difficult-to-digest components that can lead to bloating. Enhancing the breakdown of these substances calms gas build-up and supports a smooth digestive process. 

This strain also plays a crucial role in suppressing the growth of harmful bacteria, promoting a healthier balance within the gut microbiota. Bifidobacterium bifidum helps boost the production of short-chain fatty acids. SCFAs are "postbiotics," which are healthy byproducts of bacteria that are directly linked to gut health and our immune system.

How Can I Optimize My Probiotic Experience?

With these strains in mind, let’s explore some practical tips to help you optimize your experience with probiotics. Incorporating these beneficial bacteria into your routine is about making informed choices that enhance their efficacy and benefit your gut health in the long term.

Start Slow

When introducing probiotics into your diet, it’s wise to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it. This allows your digestive system to adjust without overwhelming it, which can sometimes lead to temporary bloating or discomfort. 

This approach helps your body acclimatize to the influx of new microbes, allowing them to establish themselves effectively in your gut microbiota.

Pick Smart Supplements

Choosing the right probiotic supplements can be a game changer. Look for products that not only list the strains of probiotics but also include the number of colony-forming units (CFU). 

A higher CFU count often means more effective support for your gut microbiome. But remember, more isn’t always better. It’s important to select a product tailored to your specific health needs, as guided by a healthcare professional.

Our Daily Pre + Probiotic + Herbs is a great example of a smart supplement choice. Combining Lactobacillus rhamnosus with chicory root (a natural prebiotic) and soothing digestive herbs like ginger and ajwain, this supplement is engineered to support a healthy microbiome while soothing gas, bloating, and digestive discomfort. It’s a holistic approach to digestive health, emphasizing the synergy between probiotics, prebiotics, and natural herbs.

Mind Your Meals

What you eat can influence how well your probiotics work. Foods rich in fermentable fibers, like sauerkraut and kimchi, not only nourish your gut bacteria but also boost the fermentation processes that are crucial for a healthy gut. 

Including these foods in your diet can enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria and improve overall gut health. However, if you’re sensitive to certain foods, it's important to adjust your diet accordingly. For instance, if you have gluten intolerance or a low FODMAP diet is recommended, select food options that won't aggravate your system.

Embrace Digestive Enzymes

For those moments when you need a little extra help, especially after a meal that might not sit well, digestive enzymes can be your gut’s best friend. They help break down food components like gluten, dairy, and complex carbohydrates, which might otherwise lead to gas and bloating.

Consider integrating our Daily Fiber + Digestive Enzymes into your routine. It’s the first fiber powder crafted specifically for sensitive stomachs, blending plant-based prebiotic fiber with enzymes that ease the digestive process. 

This unique formula helps regulate digestion and support bowel regularity without the side effects of bloating, offering a double-duty action that supports your gut health comprehensively.

Incorporate Fiber in Your Diet

Fiber plays a pivotal role in not just aiding digestion but also in enhancing the function of your probiotics. It serves as a prebiotic, fueling the beneficial bacteria in your gut. However, not all fiber is created equal, especially for those with sensitive stomachs or specific food intolerances.

Our Fiber Gummies are an ideal choice for integrating fiber into your diet without the heaviness that can lead to bloating. Each gummy provides five grams of prebiotic fiber from chicory root and contains only three grams of sugar. 

They are an effective way to maintain bowel regularity and support overall digestive health. It’s a simple, tasty step you can take daily to foster a healthy gut environment conducive to the probiotics you’re taking.

Consult With a Gastroenterologist

For those who face chronic digestive issues or have specific concerns about gut health, consulting with a gastroenterologist can provide personalized advice that optimizes your probiotic regimen. These specialists can offer insights into the complex interplay of different probiotic strains, dietary choices, and clinical trials if necessary. 

Their guidance can be invaluable in tailoring a probiotic plan that addresses your specific health conditions, ensuring you receive the most beneficial effects of probiotics without exacerbating any underlying issues. Navigating the discomfort of bloating and gas doesn't have to be a recurring struggle. 

With the right probiotics, guided by expert recommendations, you can support your digestive health and enjoy your days with more comfort. At Hilma, we're dedicated to combining the best of nature with solid science to help you find relief naturally. 

Explore our range of natural remedies and start your journey towards a balanced gut today. Because at Hilma, we believe in helping you feel better, naturally, every day.

This information is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult a physician before treating any disorder. 


Bloated Stomach: Causes, Tips to Reduce & When to be Concerned | Cleveland Clinic

Probiotics: What They Are, Benefits & Side Effects | Cleveland Clinic

FODMAP Diet: What You Need to Know | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Lactiplantibacillus plantarum–Nomad and Ideal Probiotic | Frontiers

Bifidobacteria and Their Role as Members of the Human Gut Microbiota | PMC

Acidophilus (Lactobacillus Acidophilus): Uses, Benefits & Side Effects | Cleveland Clinic

Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis HN019 Effects on Gut Health: A Review | PMC

Probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 versus placebo for the symptoms of bloating in patients with functional bowel disorders: a double-blind study

The efficacy of probiotics in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review

Consumption of a Bifidobacterium bifidum Strain for 4 Weeks Modulates Dominant Intestinal Bacterial Taxa and Fecal Butyrate in Healthy Adults

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