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Yale-Trained MD, Herbalist, Midwife

Dr. Aviva Romm, Hilma Scientific Advisor

Meet Dr. Romm

Yale-Trained MD, Herbalist, Midwife

Yale-trained practicing MD and herbalist, author of 7 books, and named by Mind Body Green as one of the 100 Women to Watch in Wellness. Dr. Romm was a founding board member of the Yale Institute of Integrative Health, and is Director of the American Herbal Pharmacopeia, as well as an advisor to the American Botanical Council.

As a scientific advisor for Hilma, Dr. Romm participates in the product formulation process as well as contributes to blog articles on The Cabinet. 

Dr. Romm's LinkedIn

Dr. Romm's Articles

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The Science Behind Supplements

The Science Behind Supplements

We discuss how supplements can help fill in the gaps when your healthy habits might fall short. 

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